“Going Beyond Fake News: Disinformation & Misinformation” Podcast

"Going Beyond Fake News: Disinformation & Misinformation" Episode of SIGNAL Media's Disruptive by Design Podcast.

This episode, sponsored by Janes, is part one of a three-part series on mis- and disinformation. It features Hannah Becker and MAJ Trisha Wyman-Page, USA (Ret.), a leader in Psychological and Special Operations for the U.S. Army Special Operations Command.

In this episode, we learn more about the rapidly evolving cyber threats related to misinformation and disinformation, and how artificial intelligence, deep fake technology and machine learning have the potential to greatly expand the capabilities and reach of the phenomenon. Tune in as experts suggest how best to counter and not fall victim to these emerging threats.

Click here to watch the Podcast on YouTube.

Also, can access it on Spotify.


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